Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lecture 6- Video Production and Consumption

The increase in both Video Production and Consumption has increased due to the rapid development of technology.

Technology that has encouraged this increase includes:

* Computers (and the various programs they offer)

* Mobile Phones (with cameras, radio, mp3, broadband internet)

* iPods (Easy access to music and music videos)

Because of the rapid development of technology, the above examples are increasingly more accessible (aswell as in price) Our world today damands that we keep up with technology. For not only is consumption a significant factor in being apart of and contributing to society, but we have taken a step up, and production is becoming almost as important. Examples include:

*Facebook- Almost everyone feels the need to have their own personal profile on facebook, in order to feel apart of socity- or they feel left out.

*The creation of websites by businesses. Gains valuable exposure.

* Posting videos on youtube- Exposure to possible talent. Example, Lily Allen

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